


Angel bench ends, All Saints, Great Chesterford, Essex

Great Chesterford’s church dates from the 13th century though these pleasing angels, on benches currently in the chancel, look to me to be Victorian.

One of the four angels, tragically, has a broken wing but the remaining three look whole and entire. Continue reading “Sculptured”

Good neighbours


Good 3

Stokes Croft, Bristol

Another example of individuality within conformity.

Red brick and uniform shop frontages unite the ensemble.

On the left, a Dutch gable tops off a severely classical façade. In the centre sits a utilitarian design, probably fronting a workshop or warehouse. On the right a more Baroque interpretation is also surmounted by a Dutch-inspired pediment with the merest hint of curves.

You might just spot a 20th-century building peeping over the top, but despite being brick-faced for me its height and mass would not class it as a Good Neighbour.

Repost from March 27th 2013